Curricular reduction of a degree program determined by a course-by-course assessment of the student’s competency using diagnostic tools similar to those used to assess competency gained in a DTS course. Students gain advanced standing only for courses in which they demonstrate competency. Course-by-course advanced standing is available only within one year of initial matriculation.

Students who desire to reduce degree program credit hours on a course-by-course basis must complete an objective exam for each course. At the present time, the exam fee of $30/exam is being waived.

All exams are available online. The sooner you take the exam and get credit for advanced standing, the easier it will be for you to schedule your classes. Below are the hours and courses for which you may apply:

  • ThM – 40 hours
  • MAC, MACP, MAJS – 26 hours
  • MAAE, MABT, MACE, MACL, MAIS, MAMW – 22 hours
  • MACS – 20 hours
  • MBTS – 9 hours

You may apply to take Course-by-Course exams using the button below (requires login):

A Systematic Theology Capstone Doctrinal Synthesis Project is required in ST5106, which draws on doctrinal synthesis papers prepared for ST5101–ST5105. Students who receive advanced standing or transfer credit for ST5102, ST5103, ST5104 or ST5105 are encouraged to begin completing their required doctrinal synthesis papers after taking ST5101. Please see the ST Exams Followup – Doctrinal Statement Assignment page for more details.

wdt_ID Course Program Hours
1 BE5101 Bible Study Methods & Hermeneutics ThM, MAAE, MACP, MACS, MAC, MABT, MACE, MACL, MAIS, MAMW, MBTS 3
2 BE5102 Old Testament History I * THM, MAAE, MACP, MACS, MAC, MABT, MACE, MACL, MAIS, MAMW, (MBTS elective) 3
3 BE5103 Old Testament History II ThM, MAAE, MACP, MACS, MAC, MACE, MACL, MAIS, MAMW, (MBTS elective) 2
4 BE5104 Old Testament Prophets * ThM, MAAE, MACP, MACS, MAC, MABT, MACE, MACL, MAIS, MAMW, (MBTS elective) 3
5 BE5105 The Gospels ThM, MAAE, MACP, MACS, MAC, MACE, MACL, MAIS, MAMW, (MBTS elective) 2
6 BE5106 Acts & Pauline Epistles * ThM, MAAE, MACP, MACS, MAC, MABT, MACE, MACL, MAIS, MAMW, (MBTS elective) 3
7 BE5107 Hebrews, General Epistles, & Revelation * ThM, MAAE, MACP, MACS, MAC, MABT, MACE, MACL, MAIS, MAMW, (MBTS elective) 3
8 BE5109 Ruth, Psalms and Selected Epistles MAAE, MACP, MACS, MAC, MACE, MACL, MAIS, MAMW, (MBTS elective) 3
9 EML5101 Introduction to Educational Ministries ThM, MACE, MACL 3
10 EML5105 Teaching Process and Media Presentations MACE, MACL 3

*MABT may choose BE5102 or BE5107 and BE5104 or BE5106.