DTS 2024: Facts & Stats Overview

Total Students Enrolled
Countries Represented
Denominations Represented
Degrees Offered
Student/Faculty Ratio
Study Locations Available

Class Location Distribution

Dallas campus: 26%

Online: 21%

Regional locations: 14%

Houston campus: 7%

Washington, DC campus: 5%

Atlanta campus: 5%

Student Age Distribution

Ages 20-29: 26%

Ages 30-39: 26%

Ages 40-49: 21%

Ages 50-59: 16%

Ages ≥ 70: 10%

Gender Demographics

Male: 53%

Female: 47%

Ethnic and Racial Composition

American Indian or Alaskan Native: < 1%

Asian: 7%

Black or African American: 12%

Hispanic: 6%

International: 18%

Multi-Race: 1%

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: < 1%

Unknown or Unreported: 6%

White: 48%

2024 Graduating Class Composition

MA / Certificate Programs
ThM (Master of Theology)
PhD / DMin

Student Occupations

Pastors: 5%

Church – not Senior Pastors: 29%

Parachurch Organization Staff: 11%

Education: 12%

Counseling: 11%

Missions: 3.7%

Media/Other: 12%

Marketplace Professionals: 15%

This "At a Glance" provides a snapshot of DTS's student body, their academic environment, and post-graduation aspirations. This data highlights the diversity and distribution across multiple dimensions including age, gender, ethnicity, study location, and occupational interests.