Use this map to find our alumni and other Christian counselors/mental health providers in the area.


Persons using this directory for help in seeking a counselor do so at their own risk and under their own liability. Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS) is NOT an accrediting or licensing organization and makes no claims for the competency of the services provided or the professionalism of the participants. DTS does NOT “recommend“ such services or their qualifications. This list is supplied as a free service for perusal. All listed counselors are professionally licensed and have affirmed minimum Christian beliefs as follows:

God the Father, who creates and sustains us, Jesus Christ, the Son, who redeems and rules us, the Holy Spirit, who guides us personally through God’s inspired Word, the Bible, our infallible guide of faith and conduct, and through the communion of Christians. (Adapted from the Christian Association for Psychological Studies)

Information included in this directory is provided by the members themselves, and DTS does not seek to verify and does not warrant the accuracy of the information provided by the members.

Persons who use this directory for help in seeking a counselor or mental health professional are urged to be wise consumers and inquire directly about a particular counselor’s qualifications. Factors which may be important to ask about include the counselor’s (1) education and training, (2) licensing or certification, (3) professional experience, (4) area(s) of specialization, (5) Christian perspective, (6) fees and eligibility for insurance payments. Any legitimate professional will be happy to answer questions about such matters.